Sicyon is an all-in-one scientific calculator for every student or professor, researcher or developer - everybody doing physics or chemistry / science or engineering using formulas and tables of constants. It is easy-to-use and has everything you need to calculate or investigate a function - chart, roots, min/max, integral, derivative, fit data over, etc. Sicyon calculator combines an intuitive interface and an object oriented approach to provide a fast learning curve while staying at a high level of efficiency. Sicyon calculator is a freeware under the Creative Commons by-nv-nd-3.0 licence. Here are some instructional videos: short introduction ; elements ; modes and modules part 1 & part 2 .
Sicyon is written on Embarcadero Delphi - the
greatest tool for
rapid application development I know.
Sicyon (aka Sikyon) pronounced
sɪsɪən, was an ancient Greek polis
"The temple of Delphi was the seat in ancient Greece of the oracle of
Apollo...One of the buildings in the sacred precinct was the treasury of Sicyon, in
foundation of which were found quaint sculptures from archaic predecessors..."
I dedicate "Sicyon" to Delphi and its creators.